Get Involved
Attend Our Services
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Fellowship Lunch 12:15 PM
Afternoon Bible Classes 1:15 PM
Prayer time 6:30 PM
Bible study 7:00 PM
What to Expect
If you’re not sure what to expect when you visit Berean or you’re not sure where you fit, we’re happy to help!

Sisterhood Brunch
Join Mary, the pastor’s wife, as she leads a study after our fellowship breakfast with the men every first Saturday of the month. This is a study led from material written by Godly women to help us live joyful, Christ-filled lives in a world that has forgotten Christ.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Please join us on the first Saturday of every month for a great fellowship breakfast with the Berean Sisterhood at 8:30 followed by an encouraging study to help in this fallen world. We deal with what men need to lead the church and families and how to live as a followers of Christ in this world of sin. Prayer increases joy as we realize our place in God’s Kingdom.

Youth Fellowship
We teach and equip our youth with the infallible Word of God in order to develop a faith that exists beyond the church walls.

Trail Life & American Heritage Girls
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