What to Expect

Coming to Berea, you will find a friendly, welcoming church that takes our walk with Jesus Christ very seriously.
Please join us as you will be a blessing to us as we hope we are a blessing to you.

You will find people desiring to honor God in their Sunday best, but will not find a dress code. You will find singing old fashioned hymns from a hymn book with no screens, no loud bands, no smoke or various nightclub gimmicks, but instead a reverent searching of Scripture after singing praises to the God who sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins.


You will not see an offering taken because 2 Corinthians 9:6 says God loves a cheerful giver. A church relies on tithes and offerings, but it is an act of voluntary worship, not a reason to embarrass one into giving into a basket with everybody looking on. Therefore, if you give to the Lord’s work, you will find an offering box on the back table allowing you to give anonymously.


The preaching is by the Word of God, taken seriously to learn its truths to help us in our walk with our Saviour to show the world the joy of His salvation.

Afternoons at Berean

We fellowship over lunch and then have an afternoon service.

After the service, we desire to meet with each other in fellowship over lunch supplied by member teams. It is a great time to allow our members to get closer to one another and develop relationships that can carry over into the week as we encourage and support each other in the agape love that Christ has taught us.
Afternoon Service

Our afternoon service is more like a Sunday School discussing topics that help us in this fallen world in these last days helping us to have joy in a world that has no joy. This is similar to our morning Sunday School except that the morning is usually discussing topics directly relating to the word of God giving us a better understanding. We often delve into difficult topics with discussion to come to a more perfect understanding as we joyfully work to understand our new Kingdom with its promised eternal life.